Core Values

1.We affirm that our ministry involves the giving of ourselves to help others live a life that glorifies our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Because our ministry is motivated by love, we evidence an attitude of respect for those to whom we minister as well as those with whom we serve, and are willing to sacrifice to meet their needs, without promoting an unhealthy dependence on us, Mark 16:15-20; Ephesians 04:11-13. We recognize that our ultimate purpose is to equip and empower others to depend on Christ to accomplish His purposes in their lives, John 13:13-17; 2Corinthians 04:05; Galatians 05:13.

2.We commit to exercise cultural warmth, by respecting and understanding the cultures where we minister, while holding fast to Biblical standards. We will involve national workers and leadership as much as possible, 1Corinthians 09:19-22; 10:23-33. We also promote teamwork with like-minded organizations in order to fulfill our mission, 1Corinthians 03:05-09; 2Corinthians 06:01; Philippians 04:03; 1Thessalonians 03:02.

3.We choose to love and serve, God and the people through Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Pastoral and Teaching Ministries, and Charitable Works, according to the strategy and plan of The Holy Spirit, to make every man perfect in Christ. We recognize that the Holy Spirit gives gifts and empowers us to accomplish His supernatural work. No amount of knowledge, skills, experience and/or tools can replace His working in our lives and ministries, Zechariah 04:06; Acts 01:08; 1Corinthians 06:19-20; Ephesians 05:17-21.

4. While organizations like our own have been raised of God to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, the local church is the center of God’s program for world evangelization, Acts 13:01-03; 14:23, 27; 1Corinthians 01:02; 12:13; Galatians 03:26-28; Ephesians 01:22-23; 05:25-32; 1Timothy 03:15.

5.We recognize that without the Lord we can do nothing and we demonstrate our dependence on Him through prayer at every point of our lives and ministries, Jeremiah 33:03; John 15:05; Romans 08:26; Philippians 04:06-07.

6.We commit to hold a teachable spirit because we consider ourselves fellow learners who are open to learn from and with those around us, Psalms 25:04-09; 27:11; Philippians 02:01-04.

7.We commit to handle financial matters in an ethical manner that conforms to legal requirements and regulations. Our financial and business dealings will be open for scrutiny and above reproach. An independent, qualified auditor will audit financial records annually, Romans 12:14; 1Corinthians 10:31; Hebrews 04:13.