
Our Senior Pastor relocating to Canada, saying goodbye to the Church @ Kuwait….!!!!

Our beloved Senior Pastor, Pr. Thomas Mathews has always followed the two sides of the coin, nothing other than Grace & Truth. He has always been there as a shepherd to herd his flocks to the will of God and lead us always through the path of life, Jesus Christ. He has always approached us with a pastoral care.

But now he has taken a step in life obeying God, to relocate to Canada. During his tenure here in Kuwait (Aug 2005 to Jul 2015), He was a true blessing and anointing for all. He has always been gracious in his teachings as well as expressing the gratitude in all areas of life.

We as a church miss him, but we know that he has taken this step as guided by the Holy Spirit. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer 29:11)

On behalf of the Kuwait church, we wish him all the very best and should there be anyone interested to contact him, he is available at: Email:, Cell: +1 587 597 0312

For the church of Bethel Faith Ministries International in Kuwait,
Sr. Betty Susan Philip.

Report of VBS 2014 (Click below to view the report in full)
